Base Blocks (losing the runner’s arms)

Event Date

Jun 08, 2022

The usual 2 PAX show up to the Meatlocker to enjoy this Beatdown.


Right over left, Left over right, down the middle

Windmills 10 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers 10 IC

Arm Circles – 10 sm forward, 10 med forward, 10 large forward, 10 sm backwards, 10 med backwards, 10 large backwards

Grady Corns – 10 IC

mosey to block pile and grab 2 blocks


Farmers carry blocks to baseball field dodging the sprinklers

Round 1- do exercise at pitchers mound, farmers carry block from pitchers mound to home, do exercise, return to pitchers mound to do exercise, repeat this to every base doing the exercises listed at each base.

  • Pitchers mound – 5 burpees
  • Home – 10 curls
  • 1st – 10 skull crushers
  • 2nd – 10 shoulder presses
  • 3rd – 10 bent over rows

Round 2 – same as round 1

  • Pitchers mound – 5 burpees
  • home – 15 curls
  • 1st – 15 skull crushers
  • 2nd – 15 shoulder presses
  • 3rd – 15 bent over rows

mosey around bases twice

Round 3 – same as round 1

  • Pitchers mound – 10 merkins
  • Home – 10 curls
  • 1st – 10 skull crushers
  • 2nd – 10 shoulder presses
  • 3rd – 10 bent over rows

Round 4 – Same as round 1

  • Pitchers mound – 15 merkins
  • home – 15 curls
  • 1st – 15 skull crushers
  • 2nd – 15 shoulder presses
  • 3rd – 15 bent over rows

mosey around bases twice

blocks up and back to launch pad


30 LBCs IC

15 Pretzel Crunches each side IC

15 Dying Coachroaches IC

30 LBCs IC


Pay careful attention to your own work, for the you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.  Galatians 6:4

I find myself comparing myself to others, and I have heard Mater do the same.  God made us who we are and we are loved by him.  We do not need to compare ourselves to others because we are who God made us to be.  Mater gets out there EVERY morning and works hard and that inspires me to do the same.  I appreciate it brother!



After a quick discussion of legs hurting when we wake up in the morning and step out of bed, we quickly went into some leg stretches. 

I informed Mater that we wouldn't be doing legs that we needed to work on our runner's arms

15 merkins were a bit much on that last round, but we got them done

Mater praised YHC for doing the 50 Grady Corns before the arm beatdown.


Always a pleasure to lead and glorify God.  Missed those of you who were not with us.  God Bless
