
Event Date

Jun 11, 2022


To start with this was a tough workout created by Anvil. It's a true test of your entire body… It was for me anyway. 
5 showed up on a beautiful Saturday morning.

Cheetah, Dr Dolittle and Twinkle came in a few minutes late after completing their Triathlon before the workout. These guys are amazing to do this and then fight though this workout. Props to Shirley for getting in super late the night before and still showing up to put some work in.

Warm Up


10 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

10 IC Squats

15 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

Right over Left/Left over Rught

Mosey to the back get a block and mosey back up front.

The Thang

The workout is 5 exercises each done for X reps per round. The first PAX to finish the X reps yells "Go" and everyone sprints to the top of the parking lot (thus creating a "gathering" style that allows individual scaling and a little competition to be first to finish). 

The exercises are:

Block Thrusters

Kickstand Deadlifts with the block


Block Snatches

Block Over Burpees

The Rounds are:

Round 1 – 5 reps

Round 2 – 10 reps

Round 3 – 15 reps….tough 

Round 4 – 20 reps…tough tough tough

Round 5 – 25 reps….press through and finish strong.. 

We completed all the above in the allotted 1 hour which is quite an accomplishment. 

Reflection: Matthew Chapter 20

Jesus gives the parable of the laborers in the vineyard- He for tells his crucifiixion and resurrection- He came to give his life as a ransom for many.