Exploring the Viking AO

Event Date

Jun 14, 2022


On a hot and humid morning at Viking, here is what went down today:

0505:  Slow solo run standard, scoping out some areas we'd use.



  • Mosey twice around the parking lot including butt kickers, high knees, and Karaoke L/R
  • Circle up near the cars in case of any late joiners, disclaimer given
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Soybean farmers, Tennessee style, x 10 IC
  • SLOW windmill x 10 IC

The "Exploring the AO" thing:

  • Mosey to the tennis courts, confirmed open earlier
  • Merican Suicides:  Run to the end of first court, do 10 Mericans OYO, run back to start, do 8 Mericans OYO, etc., across all 3 courts
  • Slow Deep Squats Suicides:  Same as above, but lunge walk instead of run
  • 30 second elbow plank once done

Mosey to this area with a nice little wall for:

  • Decline sideways plank walk across the wall
  • Wall jumps x 10 OYO

Mosey to the restroom area for:

  • Dips x 10 IC
  • People's chair for ~90 seconds including air presses and touch them heels

Quadraphilia half way up the hill going back towards start ex, mosey the remaining way to rock pile by the dirt bike track.  Grab a small to medium ish rock and bring to the trail start.  About 30 yards into the trail we did:

  • Overhead press x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 IC
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Repeato, OYO, doing 8 (single count) of everything, then 6, 4, and 2

Bring rocks back out to the road.  Push back to rock pile, about 30 yards.

Mosey back to start ex for Mary.


  • Elbow plank x 1 minute
  • Sprints to get heart rate up
  • Captain Thors, stolen from Turncoat but done incorrectly.  Cobains!  We went up to 6 WWII and 12 IC Mason Twists
  • Sprints to get heart rate up
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • LBCs x 20 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.73 miles.


  1. Will keep the prayer requests confidential out of respect but we reminded ourselves to look out for our Kotter friends.  Aye.
  2. We sweat a lot.  That probably had more to do with the weather than the workout.  We can run this back again in January to test that theory.
  3. We wanted to take advantage of the early sunrise and see some parts of the trail maybe we otherwise wouldn't. 
  4. Waffle House would point out that not all ideas are keepers, lol.
  5. Estwing was crazy fast on the sprints.  We've been working on a project together and hit a few unexpected snags.  STK!
  6. Bagboy called the Captain Thors a "modified Jack Webb" and honestly I never made that connection!
  7. Hippie will be moving soon, but don't worry he'll remain close.  Call the F3 moving company for any help brother.
  8. Great to see everyone at Coffeeteria + Belair.  Jersey Boy offered everyone snacks which was nice of you!  Great work today, you lead from the front as usual bud. 
  9. Shameless plug, we're doing another iteration of MQ school this Saturday.  Details here:  http://www.f3lakenorman.com/announcement/master-q-mq-school-2022
  10. Thank you Waffle House for reaching out and for the opportunity to lead! 
