9 regulars, one FNG, and a cotter humored me by showing for my 53rd Birthday extravaganza
Work-Out caveat: PAX do 10 burpees for every critical remark from Rocket. 40 Burpees doled out in only 30 minutes.
- Little winding run around the parking lot
- SSH X 53
- Oopsy "your workouts usually suck" 10 burpees
- Windmill X 10
- Long snapper X 10
- Mobility Moment
The Main Thang:
- Mosey to top of hill beside Church
- 10 LBC in cadence and 5 Burpees at top of hill, mosey to circle, do 20 mericans 6 oclock then 20 Squats 12 oclock
- back to top of hill for 5 more burpees
- Mosey to circle for 25 mericans at 6 oclock and 25 squats at 6 oclock
- "Don't you usually count down instead of up?" 10 burpees
- Mosey back to top of hill for 10 LBC and 5 burpees
- To appease Rocket, we went back down to 20 and 20 at the circle. but…
- "Wow..this isn't boring!" 10 burpees
- Mosey back to bottom of the hill for 10 LBC
- Removed "Rocket Rule"
- Mosy from there to grab blocks
- 10 Blericans to start
- Stack 10 overhead press in cadene, 10 sumo squats in cadence, and 10 curls in cadence with run after each completed stack.
Mosey to cars for abbreviated Mary:
- LBC to side X 10 each side
- LBC regular X 30 (could not get to 53 as Blackbeard suggested)
- Great to have an FNG from Akron and now forever known as DEWEY.
- Was floored when Springfield ran over (late as usual)! He is the man who shamed YHC into doing F3 and could not be more thankful. Thanks for coming OG!
- I have never been able to tell if Rocket's criticism is judgemental or in good fun. I thought I would have fun with some Burpees either way. By doing that, YHC could do his favorite exercise while being able to blame someone else if there were complaints.
- Lot's of Senior Living, Senior wing of the new Rec Center, AARP, Water Aerobics jokes coming from Blackbeard. Honestly the realization that qualification for a Senior Living Facility is only 2 years away is frightning.
- Lots more running than normal for YHC due to bubble in abdomen.
- As usual, Saturday work-outs fall outside the normal bowel movement schedule for YHC and had a bubble forming in another area.
- Kudos to Rocket who ran a couple miles before we ran another 3 miles.
- I had no idea that Lawn Dart has lived a life of dissapointment as a Michigan fan.
Thank you all for showing up! Lift up the needs we prayed for this morning!