Bricks and Cones May Break Out Groans

F3 Nation has often spoken about how the best leaders lead from the front. While I agree with the spirit of that sentiment, I think there are those such as YHC (Your Humble Correspondent) that have creative ideas but lack the fitness level to lead the pax in that way. Should that prohibit us from signing up to Q? I don’t think so. And that is what makes a WIB (Workout In a Box) so beneficial — it allows the fittest among us to excel fitness-wise while completing a beatdown from someone who might lead in the creativity department.

Either way, 20 men posted at PAINinsula on the last Tuesday in June to see what YHC would come up. The PB (Pre Blast) mentioned an Outlaw-friendly (aka burpee-free) workout that was not Fenway-approved (aka it would involve bricks overhead). There was some worry the night before that rain might be present, but while the humidity was high, the temps were in the low 70s and we had a nice breeze to offset any sweat build-up from the circuit.

Following a disclaimer, the pax each grabbed 2 paver stones from the back of the Q’s truck and gathered in the corner of the Harris Teeter parking lot for COP (Circle of Pain). They were told that they would not be putting the bricks down until 0615, and then got to work.

  • Brick Straddle Hops x15 IC (In Cadence)
  • Brick Mills x10 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x40 IC
  • Brick Soldiers x10 IC

We moseyed to the Dutchman parking lot where the Q had previously set up 10 cones along the length of the lot with an exercise at each. The pax would start with 10 reps SC (Single Count) of each exercise and then run around the square. Upon return to the first cone, repeato the circuit, but increase the reps to 12 each. Rinse and repeat, increasing by 2 each time through 20 reps.

  • WWII w/ Bricks
  • Reverse Fly
  • Squat to Brick Press
  • Brick the I
  • Bent Over Tricep Extensions
  • Apollo Ohno w/ Bricks
  • Planked Lawn Mowers, each arm
  • Shoulder Touch Brick Merkins
  • Brick Twist
  • Rocky Balboa w/ Bricks Overhead

With minutes to spare, we re-assembled at the starting point to return blocks and circle up for CoT (Circle of Trust). The Q took some flak for going over the official end time, but it allowed many of the men to complete all 6 rounds with everyone else getting through 5. Plus, after a mostly mumblechatter-free workout, it was nice to hear some snarkiness from the pax. Thanks for the opportunity to lead such a fine group of men!


  • Swamp Fox made the workout look easy, completing all circuits with the full run following each of them
  • Right on his heels was Cobra Kai and YHC knows this because they were the 2 men to lap me in the final round
  • Considering I was trailing most of the morning, I did not hear much mumblechatter, but I did get to watch Hollywood value quality over quantity by practicing good form throughout and not worrying about finishing in front
  • Omega implied that he would be unable to fulfill any actions today requiring opposable thumbs
  • Oyster joined us for coffee after running an undisclosed distance
  • Outlaw suggested an encore performance — high praise from the MQ of Cornelius’ premier Tueday workout
  • When I do, I’ll have to remember to separate the shoulder touch merkins and plank lawn mowers #ouch

Last but certainly not least, Stapler’s father passed away last week and the memorial service will take place this Friday at 2:30 PM at St Mark church in Huntersville. Seeing representation from F3 along with a shovel flag or 3 would be a great sight if you are able to attend.