Put your hand in there and Squeeze

This week's Java included 3 that joined for the warmorama (Lap around the parking lot, 25 STHs, 10 Windmills, 10 Cotton Pickers, 12 EST, 10 Merkins) then headed out to do The Murph – well done Outlaw, Stromboli, and Einstein!  Although not sure Stromboli worked out, looked like he just took a shower or went for a swim. 

The rest of the pax took a tour to the end of Birkdale Commons Parkway – paused for Squats and Merkins

Back to Brentfield for LBCs and Merkins

To end of Brentfield for Low Futters and Merkins

Back to Summit Coffee for Merkins and COT

We covered at least 3.2 miles and 50 Merkins (100 really), and most importantly – 100% participation in coffeeteria.

Felt like a reunion at Java this week as been awhile since running with TBone, MobyDick, Mayhem, and BEP.  

AOL was setting the pace, and made it look easy.

Appreciate Sudz and MD providing boat repair tips. And always learn something new with Calypso and UM in the mix. 

Thanks Thug for the opportunity to lead – enjoyed being out with this fine group.