Over UnderReact

Event Date

Jul 02, 2022



A lot of people were DR this weekend.  Me?  Just bustin' my butt gettin' stronger.

SSH, mountain climbers, dippy birds, unload dumbbells and step box from truck

curls 35# db
shoulder lifts, side and front 15# db
ground-stand-curl-press 30#
pec squeeze
76 20" step ups with 22# pack
25 'mericans
yoga ball pass, sitting knees-to-chest, Bennifers
shoulder shrugs
1-minute walk it out


final 25 'mericans to make it a crisp 100

reflection:  Matthew 5:38-42
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic,[h] let him have your cloak as well. 41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
* Andy Stanley's Northpoint Church podcast has a series on Reacting, suggesting we need to Over-UnderReact, meaning we do not retaliate, which is pretty "normal" and "fair" and "seems appropriate".   Eye for an eye and such.
* He suggests that there our natural tendency to make sure we "get ours" isn't really Biblical, and if we act like everyone else….if we don't stand out as being different, then we won't really be able to share our faith and God's love for all.  
* Instead, when others do something that negatively impacts us, instead of barking back, if we do something so radical that we stick out, that we seem different than others, that others ask what drives us, it gives us a chance to share who we are…and whose we are.
* Next time you are unfairly treated, try to underreact.   Even to the point of over underreacting.  Some will never notice.  Some may take notice and not say anything.  Some may notice and wonder.  Some may be surprised and may take a moment to ponder the situation.  You never know how God may work through you.

* I wasn't feeling great this morning; had to skip the tri.  The pooch had a mid-night situation that disrupted the rest.  Glad I slept in…sometimes you need the rest more than the workout. 
* The humidity was thick.  Even though no running, it was a drippy, drippy workout, even after only 1 round.
* If you are prepping for BRR, weighted step ups are strong for gluteus work.  Put in the work now; you will be glad you did.

Have a safe 4th!