4 Corners

Event Date

Jul 05, 2022



-Mosey to block pile

-Grab a block. Take the block to the corner by the launch pad.


   1- Shoulder Presses>Mosey to next corner> Hand Release Merkins> Mosey to the next corner>LBCs> Mosey to the next corner>Pull-Ups> Mosey to the next corner

   2- Curls>Mosey to next corner> Hand Release Merkins> Mosey to the next corner>LBCs> Mosey to the next corner>Pull-Ups> Mosey to the next corner

   3- Skull Crushers>Mosey to next corner> Hand Release Merkins> Mosey to the next corner>LBCs> Mosey to the next corner>Pull-Ups> Mosey to the next corner

   4- Bent over row>Mosey to next corner> Hand Release Merkins> Mosey to the next corner>LBCs> Mosey to the next corner>Pull-Ups> Mosey to the next corner (Hand our block in tow this lap)

-Sprint back to the launch pad



*Some blocks are heavier than others and after 10+ posts at this AO I still haven’t mastered the selecting of the lighter one.

*Quite humid out there today. Only 3-4 more months of this heat….

*Apparently if you put your block to your ear it sounds like a heavy guy breathing.  

*Thanks for joining me.