3 Vikings Stormed North Meck Park

Event Date

Jul 05, 2022


YHC delighted to see Estwing and Dewey appear in the gloom and have them along for a sauna-like workout this AM.

A skinny backblast but heavy on the work which was done this AM.  A Strava verified 1.65 was covered throughout the park with emphasis on three main components of fitness: strenghth, cardio and mobility.  After a brief disclaimer, PAX moseyed to the back of the park for some work on the picnic tables including step ups, incline merkins and dips.  Proceeding to the soccer field, PAX performed 1 lap then marched onto the soft and dew-covered bermuday to perform mobilty, lots of SSH's and deep squats, and Frankenstein kicks.

Final portion of the beatdown included a small hill ascent and descent with burpees and squats mixed in.  

PAX concluded with 5 minutes of MARY.

Recover Recover

  • Estwing taking over Mighty Oak tomorrow as MQ.  Strong brother!
  • Estwing referenced a Soprano-like workout with the volume of SSH's this AM
  • Thanks Dewey for coming all the way up from "South" Huntersville! Seems like your 2nd consecutive post at Viking…please keep coming back to this AO!  Enjoyed having you.  And strong prayer to complete the CoT.


As always, a privilege when PAX shows up in the gloom and YHC has the opportunity to lead.

Humbly in Christ, 
