Suicides @ Samson

Event Date

Jul 14, 2022


*Big Sud – could not find  in system

The air was muggy that day and hot!

The warm up:

– 5 Burpee
– Windmill
– 5 burpee
– TS
– 30 merkins

Grabbed block and set up for suicides – 7 blocks spaced
– run through once
– 20 merkins
– run through again, both ways
– 30 LBC
– 20 WWll
– run through again
– low flutter
– 20 WWll

moved to pull up bars
– 9 pull ups, 1 burpee
– 8 pull ups, 2 burpee
– 7 pull ups, 3 burpee

– moved first block father back, then one more run through suicide

grabbed block
– 20 burls
– 15 shoulder press
– 20 merkins
repeat 2 more times


Mole Skin:
It was my first time as Q in a while and energized up to push myself and the PAX. Gambini and Drebin led the way and showed me how old I am getting. The pull/burpee combo was stupid hard but everyone pushed through and I am sure were sore for it. 
– Living in Davidson, I don't get over to Samson. My encouragement was to get out of your comfort zone and try new places to post. We are spoiled!

