Prodigal Son

Event Date

Jul 16, 2022


6 emerged from the gloom for various portions of the summer SVU schedule.  Mulligan (Great to see you visiting the 'hood Bro!), Shirley, and YHC performed the standard 5k run and buoy swim together.  Shirley had to split off for Dad duties (t-claps for keeping the NLHS XC dynasty purring).  Mully and I did a little bike ridin', rolling in just before 7 to see Dandelion, Strudel, and Tonka all excitedly stretching.  Commence BEATdown.

warm up
SSH, windmills, Gma Maters, merkins, toy soldiers (for Strudel's back), dippy birds, low country crabs

grab some dumbbells(35's, 30's, 25's), 22# vest, and slam ball from YHC's trunk and head to the back

circuit A-
step up with 22# vest (timer)
dumbbell curls
zig zag zig
dumbbell squat, hammer curl, press

circuit B-
step up with 22# vest (timer)
dumbbell trifectas
30# slam ball over the 'ladder'
pull ups / toes-to-bar

little joggy jog interlude

back to the back
circuit A+B repeat-o

return the toys to the trunk
simple, sweaty, tiresome, liftin' heavy stuff, heart pumpin', good stuff

reflection  Psalm 118: 5-9
5 Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free.
6 The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?
7 The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.
8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.
9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.

* are you in distress?  are you proverbially being chased my man?
* how do you deal with trials?  
* are you self-sufficient and prideful?   maybe not calling on the Lord, maybe not trusting in the Lord
* what does being free mean?  can you 'win' the war without 'winning' the battle?

* a washed weinke and a slammed schedule for the last week delayed writing the bb…hoping the memory has the workout close to being right
* unfortunately I don't remember much of the mumblechatter, other than I somehow ended up being thankful for Dandelion's shoulders in the prayer…I don't have any idea why…but that happened
* SO GREAT to hang out with Mulligan, visiting from the other side of the lake!!  He was a trooper riding my squeaky MTB.  Sounds like his boys are growing up too fast.
* Dandelion has an amazing new water toy… #showtoknow … #livinghisbestlife
* Strudel Q'ing 7/30 and throws dumbbells around like they are in ounces, not pounds
* Tonka loves carrying 35# dumbbells to the back, possibly suggesting it was the hardest part of the workout
* T-claps to Shirley for the new pull up bar, making the moleskine even though he's not there.

Good times.  Sweaty backpack.  Much laughing.
It was a great workout.

Always an honor to lead,