BOGO at the Jungle

13 men for an ab heavy MJ beatdown.  The got the BOGO combo of DD and Little P.   Strong showing by all.


SSH x 20 
ISD x 10 
Longsnappers x 10
Slowish Windmill x 10
Toy Soliders x 10
Mountain climbers x 10

Mosey down to the Back door and partner up for Part 1

Partner #1 – run to the top of the hill – 5 Burpees

Partner # 2 – LBCs


Partner #1 – run to the top of the hill – 15 WWII Sit up
Partner #2 – W's


Partner #1 – Run to the top of the hill – 25 Mericans
Partner #2 – Big Baby Crunches


Partner #1 – Run to the top fo the hill – 35 Carolina Dry Docks
Partner #2 – Plank


All run to the top of the hill for 45 squats

Back down the hill for a Merican time bomb 5 down to 1

Over to wall for People's Chair + Air presses
20 Rocky Balboa's IC

People's Chair, then Praying Mantis
20 Rocky Balboa's IC

People's Chair + Air presses
Last round of Rocky Balboa's

Handoff to Little Professor for Part 2

Mosey up the hill to back of lot and grab a block

Skull crushers x 10

Low flutter x 10

Shoulder Presses x 10

Rosalita x 10

Curls x 10

Dot the I x 10

Chest presses x 10

Dying Cockroach x 10

Repeato x 2

Find your partner…

Parnter #1 Farmers carry the blocks 1 island

Partner #2 Lunge walk 1 island

All the way to end of lot

Zamporini back to put blocks back

Mosey back to start, and Mobility Moment to end the workout



1) Great turnout today.  Great mix of newer guys and veterans.
2) Decent amount of mumblechatter today.  Something about Blackbeard and Coffeteria t-shirts.  We proceeded to dish out (no pun intended…) a decent amount of grief wondering where our shirts were.  Well deserved I believe.  I'm patiently awaiting mine.  XL please.
3) Prayers for a speedy recovery for Moses.

FNG1 is Liberace, FNG2 is Firestone's nephew Christian.

Thanks to Firestone for the opportunity to lead this morning.  MJ is a great AO.  Glad to be back.

DeepDish and Little Professor