Bricks and Humidity

Event Date

Jul 23, 2022

Two fellas made it out to the Quarry Hood for a lively pairing of Bricks and Humidity. It was a rather chatty group


Dynamic stretch

The Thang

Come get yo bricks. Two in a pair. Do a plethora of exercises with the aid of bricks. Many of these had the “Hold it” strategy 2/3 of the way thru


  • 10 part man maker mercans
  • WWII with a chest fly on way down
  • Decline mercans
  • Incline mercans
  • OH with a diamond press
  • Flies

One lap around the lot with bricks in hand


  • Squat with OH Press
  • Side raise
  • Front raise
  • Upright row
  • Ain’t nothin but a chicken wing
  • Reverse flies
  • Shrugs

One lap around the lot with bricks held out to the side (I believe I can fly)


  • Bent over rows
  • Lawnmower
  • Curls
  • Hammer
  • Wrist
  • Diamond brick mercans
  • Skull crusher
  • Kickbacks

One lap around the lot with bricks held in curl position

Legs/Billy Blanks

  • Walking lunges
  • Goblet squats
  • Apollo Anton Ono
  • Lunge with twist

Billy Blanks set – Mas Rapido

  • OH press
  • Jabs
  • Uppercuts
  • Hooks
  • Pummel
  • Cross body

One lap around the lot with bricks overhead (Say Anything style)


  • Dying cockroach
  • W ups
  • Rollups
  • Mason twist
  • OH pull crunch
  • 6 inches


  • Q showed up a little late right at 7am (but not nearly as late as Pinky….), and we missed connecting with Toto, who is from the Denver NC AO but just moved to the Steel Creek area off of 485. My bad….
  • Fudgepacker is a derogatory term that harkens back to 10th grade insults, and we understand that it does not have anything to do at all with packing for the beach
  • Q may have shown up with three different playlist options but happily deferred to Pinky’s selection.  Ladies and gentlemen, Kings of Leon!
  • Bricks pair exceptionally well with Humidity. Troof
  • High school friends from 30+ years ago are the funnest kind of friends
  • Pinky’s slice of Americana tour of Wisconsin included Madison, Green Bay and Milwaukee
  • Fun Facts
    • Captain Pabst was born on March 28, 1836 in the small town of Nicholausreith, Saxony, Germany.  In 1848, at the age of twelve, his parents, Fredericka and Gottlieb Pabst, made the momentous decision to immigrate to the United States and they soon settled in Chicago.  At the age of 14, young Frederick signed on as a cabin boy on a Great Lakes steamer and by the age of 21, he had become a Captain.  Henceforth, until the day he died, he always retained the title of Captain.
    • Captain Pabst’s vessels plied the western shores of Lake Michigan between Chicago, Milwaukee and Manitowoc.  It was while he was the Captain of a side-wheeler christened Comet, he found his future wife, Miss Maria Best.  Maria, born on May 16, 1842, was the eldest daughter of Phillip Best, a brewer from Milwaukee.  Frederick and Maria courted for two years and were married in Milwaukee on March 25, 1862.  Two years later Captain Pabst took his father-in-law’s offer to buy a half-interest in the Phillip Best Brewing Company.
    • And here you heathens think Milwaukee’s Best and Pabst Blue Ribbon beers are swill.  Ignoramuses’, all of yooz
  • Great effort!!!!