Fireball and French Fries

Event Date

Jul 28, 2022


5 men joined me for the final Samson of July 2022. Not present were Hasselhoff and The Force both of whom "liked" my #pb on the twitter – which is basically breaking a sacred internet vow. We persevered despite their absence.

Mosey the long way up to the top of the parking lot wherein the true disclaimer was provided orally – anyone can sue anyone in this country, but good luck trying to prove a causal relation between your injury and the Q, MQ, or the AO location. And apparently the new hot spot in Huntersville is the back of the Lake Forest parking lot – a full bucket worth of empty Fireball airplane bottles and an empty large McDonald's fry container – clear evidence that a good time was had by someone.

– WarmOrama

  • SSH x30 IC
  • IST x10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC
  • Long Snappers x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC

– The Well Thought Out and Totally Not Improvised Thang

  • Grab a block. Force inspired 50-for-Fitness block work. First set of 20 curls IC, run a lap. First set of skull crushers with good form x25, run a lap. Second set of 20 curls IC, run a lap. Second set of skull crushers with good form x25, plank it out.
  • Mosey over to the pull up bars for some isometric pull up work to help build those pull up muscles. Hold at the top of the pull up position for 10 seconds, drop to mid-pull up range for 10 seconds, then block thrusters x10. Repeato 2 more times. Remember – if you struggle with pull ups, start with some negative pull ups and increase your hold time and slowly work your way up to 1 dead hang.
  • 4 corners of lower body commenced (borrowed from my recent visit to F3 New Bern). Mosey to corner 1 – jump squats x11. Mosey to corner 2 – jump squats x11, sumo squats x22. Mosey to corner 3 – jump squats x11, sumos x22, lunges x33. Mosey to corner 4 – jump squats x11, sumos x22, lunges x33, squats x44. And my legs already don't work after that one…

– Mary

  • LBC's
  • Box cutters
  • Ab Hold
  • Flutter kicks
  • Heels to Heaven

– Moleskin

  • 2nd Mona Lisa sighting this week – good to see him back out and already looking strong.
  • Almost a first full week of F3 for The Colonel – the Torrance delegation continues to grow in strength and will soon be the largest faction in all of LKN.
  • Nice work by Macarena and Drebin today, but those guys definitely need to work on their mumblechatter game, way too much positivity.
  • Red October is on his way to recovery, even jumped in for some Mary with us, looking forward to seeing him back at full strength soon.
  • Thanks to Macarena for taking us out in prayer.
  • And thanks to Hoff for the chance to lead this morning.