Mini Tour of Cornelius

So here is the back story on how I became the Q of Fission this morning. Possum reached out on Monday evening looking for a Q and have been in his shoes trying to line up Q's myself in the past I surely not going to leave him hanging. Possum I guess was also trying to get back at me for my epic EH of him becoming one of the current MQs of Fission. 

5:00 YHC set out on a solo standard.

5:20 YHC came across Blackbeard running an abbreviated standard of his own. Blackbeard was on the move and encouraging YHC to turn around. My curiousity got the best of me as Blackbeard was booking and I wanted to know what the hell he was running from. Seriously don't let him fool you, he can actually move when he wants. Must have bee the frest smells coming from Dunkin or the Teeter. 

5:28 YHC returned from standard. Changed shirts as I had soaked one. 

5:30 I mumbled let's go. The pax was displeased as I didn't give a proper disclaimer. We moseyed to the Cornelius Firehouse off 115. We said the pledge, pax moved over in front of garage doors at firehouse, and we then began Warm-o-rama.


SSH 15x IC ( Blackbeard, Frontier, and Jersey Boy seemed to have PTSD from Soprano's beatdown yesterday)

Toy soldiers 15x IC

Cotton picker 15x IC

IST 15x IC

Windmill 15x IC

On the move to our next stop, railing in front of Cashion's to begin the Thang.

The Thang

Incline Merkins 12x IC

Dips 12x IC

Decline Merkins 12x IC

Mosey to Walgreens and grab some wall for People's Chair.

Air press 15x IC

Hold it

Seal Clap 15x IC

Hold it

Touch Dem Heels 15x IC

Pax and YHC expressed Damn that was a long time.

Return to the wall for Side Plank Thread the needle 12x IC per side

Mosey to the front of Cornelius Police department

10x/leg Step ups OYO

Ass to the deck (Low squat to pavement riser) 10x IC

Praying Mantis 10x IC

Mosey across the street to Cornelius Town Hall

5 merkins per step going up (60 total)

20x squats OYO at top

5 merkins per step coming back now (60 total)

Asked Bel-Air for a ten count which went like this (1, pause, 10) – well shit that was quick

Mosey to the veteran's monument in front of town hall for Mary


WWII sit ups 15x OYO

LBCs 15x IC

Freddie Mercury's 15x IC

BMLF's 12x/side led by Canuck (Frontier was introduced and asked for them to stay up north at the AOs closer to Davidson) – Watch coming to an AO near you.

Mosey back to the Launch

Recover Recover right at 6:15


Announcements – Look out for details as the event this Saturday for Hope House was cancelled.

COT- Prayers lifted for Frontier's co worker and for all the unspoken needs.


Great group of guys who all put in the work and had the sweaty ass shirts to prove it. 

Mumblechatter was mild but I kept us moving or maybe I just wasn't listening.

7 out of 8 for coffeeteria.

Frontier don't be a stranger on this side of town.

Bel Air continues to kick ass and shows us daily you can do what you put your mind too.

As always it was a pleasure to lead this morning,

Until next time,

Cousin Eddie