Adult recess finds a hopscotch adventure painted on the pavement

Event Date

Aug 08, 2022

8 men posted in the gloom to get stronger at ManMakerMonday. 1 of them (the smartest of the bunch) had already run the Standard (3 miles). Tclaps.

After some warmup form runs & jogging in the parking lot, we walked our weights to the back of the school, Zamperini style. At the back of the school, we did some body weight movement exercises, including 2 burpees… BTW – that was Outlaw's idea!!  YHC thought it was a trick, but there was no violence in the COT.

Most of our time was spent in pairs, completing the following Doras:

  • bent over rows, chest press w/low flutter, squats, skull crushers, curls combined w/ wall sit, shoulder presses
  • half of these were broken up with running and the other half with a shorter run to the pull-up bar for 3 perfect, full extension pull-ups every time. 
  • there was a mobility moment with some inner Jazz Hands channeling; thanks Omega & Kosar

Zamporini back to the parking lot. Along the way, we came across some fun new kid activity paintings on the ground. Since we were exercising our freedom to partake in adult recess and we were on the playground, and Outlaw's prefrontal may be the least developed, he led the way on the kid hopscotch/obstacle course. Ooohraah. That's how you take advantage of the AO!

The final COP was a round-robin. Strom did what Strom does. The rest of us mixed in some mostly core exercises…some with weights and some without. A good time was had by all, I think. I mean, nobody went to the hospital.

In summary, we ended up with 1.6 miles and many reps of many exercises. 


  1. Sign up for the Christina Latini Memorial 8k! Stop procrastinating. We're sweating it here… Click here and then on the Register Button in the menu on the left of the screen. If you won't be in town, that's okay! You can run virtually. 
  2. Omega kissed a tanning booth this past weekend. Olive said he kissed the sun…or not. 
  3. We delayed long enough for Outlaw to arrive at the coffee shop first and put down his credit card; but somewhere along the way he got wise and slowed down.
  4. we had 75% attendance at Coffeeteria. We're desperate for football season, as the early conversation was about the Hallmark channel. SMH

I'm honored to have been your Q this morning, Gents. Thanks for the EH, Cobra-Kai! Heal-up. We will SYITG.