FKT – Not the Vern – Oops


Happy Tuesday,

The morning started out with a bang, I stopped by my office to pick up the cinder blocks that I was going to use for my workout. To my dismay, the blocks were not there so in a mild panic I started grabbing any hardscape material I thought we might be able to utilize: pavers, retaining wall block, etc. 

Arriving late I was scrambling to get anxious PAX moving. Here we go. 


Warm Up:

SSH – 20

Long Snapper – 15

Runners stretch to the right, then left. 


I asked a few guys to help me and set some of the heavier blocks in different corners, and had the rest grab some pavers to mosey and circle up. 




  • Curls for 20 as the rest of the PAX arrived, guys without pavers did burpees

  • Shoulder press for 20, keep burping

  • Hand release merkins x 15


Jogged to the end of the parking lot, lunge walked to island, bear crawled to the next island, lunge walked again. Run back to home base


Each corner of the parking lot was a pain station, starting at home base run from corner to corner


Corner 1 – 20 merkin

Corner 2 – 20 squats

Corner 3 – 20 WWll

Corner 4 – 20 carolina dry docks

Home base (pavers/blocks) – 20 curls, then rotate 20 shoulder press


Repeat x 4


*Trying to utilize the big heavy retaining blocks/caps/cinder block, the staggered blocks  around the course were intended to try and slow down the fast guys. Being that some weighed  80 pounds, I was hoping follow packs would help them carry them teamwork wise  around the course. 

Trying to make it a bit harder I called an audible from the way back with the help of tuffy to have the PAX carry their pavers around the course with them for the last lap. 


After the last lap I had the guys that finished jump rope to keep the heart rate up as the 6th finished. 


Seeing as we had a few minutes, we repeated the course one last time. 


At the end we finished with 5 burpees. 




Mole skin:


Signing up for the Q, it did not occur to me that it was the 2nd Tuesday of the month and therefore for the expected Vern. I didn’t track the miles, but it was less than the 3-4 miles that FKT is known for, hopefully the 20+ pain stations were enough to make up for coming up short (no pun). 

The consensus was the vern would have been the better workout.


