Hollywood was filled with stars this morning

Event Date

Aug 10, 2022

8 Pax were represented at Hollywood this morning. Here’s the summary:



Warmarama at Checkpoint 1

-Side Straddle Hop x30

-Slow Wind Mill x10 

-Imperial Storm Trooper x20

-Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute x15

-Mosey to checkpoint 2


Checkpoint 2 at Movie Parking Lot

On your 6:

-V up crunch x20

-Suzanne Somers x 20

-WW II’s x20

-3-2-1 Merkinators (5 regular; 5 diamond; 5 wide) 



-Mohammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20


-Christian McCalf Raises x22


-Bear Crawl (lap)

-Wall plank/seal claps x10


(Surprisingly there was little mumble-chatter during this)

-Mosey to checkpoint 3


Checkpoint 3 to Tennis Courts

-Get rocks (No one was bitten by a snake during this process.)


-Skull crusher x20

-Bent over row x20

-Overhead press x20

-Put it all together x15


On your 6:

-Chest press x20

-Rock the block glute bridge x20

-Snow Angel (a Toby favorite) x20

-Rocks up

-Mosey to checkpoint 4


Checkpoint 4 (in front of movie marquee)

-100 LBC’s

-Run a lap

-100 LBC’s

-Run a lap

(Again, still little mumble chatter here. I think the group appreciated YHC‘s emphasis on the core.)

-Mosey to Base/Checkpoint 1:


Back at Base/Checkpoint 1

-Mobility moment

-Recover, Recover




Baller is a beast, and an overall great guy. I have really enjoyed posting with you lately. 


Popcorn & Mr. Holland were both technically tardy. Although late is better than never, I had to remove a star from their good behavior chart and sent them to the principal’s office. Seriously though, it was great to see you both. Glad you came!


Rodeo was recovering from being sick. Even with that, he gave it his all and got it done (especially when we “rocked the block”). Good job brother.


Deep Dish and Hat Trick are both always consistent and steady. Always a pleasure to post with you.


Soprano wanted to do a lot more Side Straddle Hops, but the mumble chatter prevented that. He is a true rock star and just came off a whole week of Qing 5 AO/posts. You set the bar high for us brother. Keep it up!


I had a great time with my F3 brothers this morning. Until next time…

