Get up, get on up…

Event Date

Aug 16, 2022

7 Pax convened at a grand event known as Gladiator for a full body workout today. Check out the #bb here:


YHC arrived as the Pax were assembling. Some chose not to attend due to the wet ground, but these mighty Pax didn’t mind. Those who didn’t attend would definitely miss out.


As we began, Bel-Air was startled by the voice of James Brown as the music filled the air (he wasn’t quite ready for that). Nothing like some JB to start your morning!


Let the festivities begin…



Warm A Rama @ checkpoint 1/base

-Side straddle hop x50 (yes!)

-Toy Soldier x20

-Slow windmill x10

-Christian McCalf raises x22

“Commander” Run lap to checkpoint 2 (@blocks)


The Thang:

Get blocks

-Overhead press x20

-Skull crusher x20

-Curl x20

-Squats x20

-Bent over row x20


On your 6 for Ab/core series:

-Lbc’s x25

-Rock the block glute bridge x20

-Chest press x20

-Snow angel (a Toby favorite) x20

-WW II’s x20

-Suzanne Somers x20 both sides

-Hello Dolly x20

-Rosalita x20 

-Homer to Marge x20

-Freddie Mercury x20

-V-up crunch x20

-‘Mericanators (5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide) x15

-Chest press(again) x20

-Windshield wipers x15

-Mobility moment

Put up blocks


Mosey to checkpoint 3:

-Dips x10 x2

-Squats x10 x2

-Inclined ‘Mericans x10 x2


Mosey back to checkpoint 1/base

5 minutes of Mary:

-Low flutter


-Dying coach roach

-Freddy Mercury

-Carolina dry docks

-Pretzel crunch


Recover, recover

Circle of Trust/Prayer




Bel-Air told me he had shed 40 lbs. Proud of him for his commitment and for consistently giving his all. He is a great example for others!


Flo was there before anyone and ran from his house. The workout looked too easy for him. I may need to up my game.


Kosar…well, we all know he could run circles around all of us at any post. Dude is like the energizer bunny.


POS kept up and led the Pax the whole way through. He always works hard. Perhaps he can Q again soon?


Subprime enjoyed feeding his biceps some food this morning. They were hungry. He couldn’t remember his age during namarama, but when you get to be my age, it’s all relative… couldn’t find Subprime in the online system, but he was present and accounted for.


Deadhead pushed hard today and brought the heat. Great job!


I am better because of starting my morning out with the fine gents. Thank you for letting me lead. Until next time…

