I sub-marined The General

First and foremost – shout out to Mayhem who was scheduled to Q.  He aggrevated an injury at work and texted early on Friday that he needed a sub.  Happy to help – heal up Mayhem.

As the time approached 0530 it was clear to the PAX that Mayhem was late, or wasn't showing.  I gave the update on his injury and said the PAX was stuck with YHC.  Jazzy and Primo both offered to lead – but I was ready to go – and off we went.  

We started as 7 strong – and were joined by Timecheck (coming from a solo run) as we were about to start Mary


Short mosey to WARM-O-RAMA – where we did SSH (25IC), Long Snappers, Windmills, IST, Apollo Onos IC, maybe a few other things before we moseyed to the concession stand.


Find a spot on a picnic table – 10 step ups each leg OYO, 10 Incline Mericans IC, 8 step ups each leg OYO, 10 Decline Mericans IC, 6 step ups each leg OYO, 10 Incline Mericans IC, 4 step ups each leg OYO, 10 Decline Mericans IC, 2 step ups each leg OYO.

Split into groups of 3 and 4 and head to the playground – 

Group A – 10 dips IC, Group B – 10 Pull Ups, Flip Flop


Mosey towards the rock pile – but make a left past the baseball field instead of a right – muster at the entrance to the park.  Line up and assume the position for Monkey Humpers with the business end facing Westmoreland Road.   

Heading to the rock pile the instruction was as follows:  at every 5th crack in the sidewalk the PAX were to stop and perform burpees.  1 at the first stop, 2 at the second…..up to 5 at the 5th.  From there the instruction changed to stop every ten cracks and count back down to 1 – 4-3-2-1.  That took us just past the rock pile.  

Grab a rock – (based on the schedule this week – I'm 48+ hours past the post as I write this BB – so the exact details are a bit foggy)

We did several exrecises in cadence and then ran to the corner and back.  We did several more exercises and then lunge walked up the hill and back.

Put your rocks back and moesy to the park ebtrance.  Once again, assume the position for Monkey Humpers.

Mosey back to the launch pad where we were joined by Time Check


It's not an official General without some Pigeon – so we did some, and Jazzy was happy.

A little more Bro-ga with some Butterflies, Catcher poses and some final stretchy stretches.



– Again, heal up Mayhem.  Hope you're out to The General soon.

– We lifted up all those students heading back to school – particularly collegians that are traveling back to school.  We also lifted up Anastacia – a youngster in Timecheck's family that is experiencing some health challenges.  

– And here's the stuff…..Before we put our rocks back, I told the PAX I was super stressed and had been for a week plus with some work stuff.  I asked everyone to think of a stressor that was on their mind.  As you toss your rock back – let as much stress as you can go into the rock pile.  The support from the PAX was immediate – "You got this" "You'll do great".  My spirit was lifted.  Friday night I got a text from one of the PAX asking how things went on Friday.  When I have a chance to lead a prayer with the PAX I usually include something to the affect of "Thank you for this community of men that we can come to in times of joy and in times of sorrow or challenge."  The brotherhood is real – and is always there for you.  If you're not tapping into the support of the PAX – you're doing it wrong.  

– Jersey Boy asked that everyone take time to write, read and comment on Back Blasts.  So with that in mind – I'll give JB a test.  If you are reading this JB – post a photo of Tom Hanks as a reply to my BB Tweet.  We had a good turn out at coffee.  Talk turned to movies, movie reviews and somehow Tom Hanks.  Hence  – the Jersey Boy challenge.

– I saw Primo on Saturday and he said he was still feeling the workout.  What else do you need as a Q?  Glad you got your money's worth.