Rock Me Mama Like a Wagon Wheel

Event Date

Aug 22, 2022


YHC brought a country themed warm-up to Berean this morning which included a down home NC classic: Wagon Wheel.  The PAX hopped, skipped and boogied for 4 minutes by performing SSH's, Slow Deep Squats, and Rope Skippin' nonsense during Darius Rucker's awesome rendition of the song piped out on a bluetooth speaker.  Prior to the warm-up, YHC warned the PAX to pay close attention to the lyrics in the song, as there would be trivia questions afterwards with wrong answers resulting in burpees.  YHC astonished that the following questions were answered exactly correct: 

  • Name 2 of 3 cities mentioned: Raleigh and Johnson City (Phili was the third)
  • The singer mentioned a boquet of what ?  Dogwood flowers
  • How long did it take to travel down the coast?  17 hours
  • 3 musical instruments mentioned in song? fiddle, guitar, banjo

YHC warned PAX to keep their mumblechatter wholesome and any mention of "that's what she said" would result in burpees.  As YHC recalls, Goat said in the 10 years he's been at workouts, he's never heard that before…..HAHAHAHA  YHC was patronizing the PAX by luring them into saying "that's what she said" by mentioning, 2 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches and other taunting bait but the PAX resisted.  We purposely bypassed a local lingerie store on the way back just to keep this one good and pure like the wholesome country song that was played earlier. 

A good time was had by all as we did the normal Berean Bridge crossing with rock work, and other exercises including merkins, squats, LBC's, mountain climbers, etc.

Awesome having Thug join us for Name-a-Rama!

  • Nice faith discussion at Starbucks
  • Don't Forget to register for Operation Sweet Tooth September 17
  • Prayers lifted for those who are having medical complications, unspoken requests, 2.0's going away to college


It was a great morning! YHC humbled, honored and always considers it a privilege to be among amazing men like each one of you! 

Humbly in Christ,
