Another Mighty Jungle Q

Also in attendence: Coop Dog, Sgt. Slaughter & Spot (Raleigh guest)


– SSH, stretching (inc. pigeon). Lietenant Dan

– some block work, curls, press, lawn mowers, swings, murder bunny

– some suicides: run to tree 10 merkins, run back 10 squats (8 trees)

– 2 rounds 10 pull ups

– 15 dipps IC, 20 step ups (repeat half as many)

– circle up, oldest to youngest everyone got to pick/lead


Cool to have visitor Spot.

Nice balance of older PAX and younger. Seeing guys in their 50's and even 60's is huge motivation, no excuses. 

Young guys bring a great level of energy. 

Very great Sat work out and coffee. 
