A Thoughtless Workout

Not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to Q at General earlier in the week. Not sure what I was thinking when I joined Amen and Titan for a standard before leading this morning. Not sure why I opted to include so much running in a bootcamp today. Writing the back blast is about the most thought I’ve put in this entire morning and it shows.

YHC debated running down the dark and winding nature trail into Robbins Park this morning which is why the PB suggested headlamps, but in the 11th hour I decided to stick to the wide pavement along Westmoreland instead. This is how it went down:

  • Run to entrance of park for warmup
    • IST x15 IC
    • SSH x15 IC
    • Toy Soldier x15 IC
    • Slow Windmill x10 IC
  • Run to rock pile and grab a rock
  • Zamperini to nearby street corner and deposit rocks
  • Run to next street corner
  • Following each set of exercises, run to head of greenway and back
    • Mericans x10 IC
    • Squats x15 IC
    • LBCs x20 IC
  • Run back to rocks
  • Following each set of exercises, run to rock pile and back
    • Skull Crushers x15 IC
    • Overhead Press x15 IC
    • Curls x15 IC
  • Return rocks and mosey towards baseball field
  • Suzanne Sommers x20 IC on each side while #4Bangers sashay past us
  • Return to parking lot for Mary
    • Box Cutters x15 IC
    • Dot the I x15 IC
  • Head over to the shovel flag for a belated pledge
  • 5 burpees to get us to 0615 and Recover Recover
  • The Lord’s Prayer complete with the doxology for our Protestant pax
    • Prayers for the passing of THM’s father in-law
    • Prayers for Lawn Dart’s 1-year anniversary since his PE

According to Stromboli (and I’m not even sure how he knows this) we covered 1.68 miles at The General this morning. Garmin tells me I did a 1.42 mile standard. I’m no genius (as proven above) but I believe that’s a 5k. Kudos to Titan and Amen for guilting me into showing up early. And kudos to Holiday for rewarding that silliness with a t-shirt. And thanks to Lawn Dart for the coffee; even if I had already bought my own and couldn’t drink his because I am avoiding sugar. It’s the thought that counts! Oh, and thanks to Omega for joining us at the ghetto Starbucks where he allegedly found the 20 pounds I mentioned I lost.