Tribute to 6

Event Date

Sep 03, 2022

Not Mentioned Paleo (visting from Detroit), Ricky Rose (Nephew from Florida)

8 Men came out to the concrete jungle for suicides, tabata, and a tribute to the triumpant arrival of Baker Mayfield (Except for next week when he plays Cleveland and will fall on his face. But after that…)


  • Lap around the parking lot
  • SSH X 20
  • Windmill X 10
  • IST X 10
  • Good Mornings X 10
  • Mobility moment

The Thang:

  • Line up by blocks. Partner up. one block per team.
    • Suicides. 4 stops. Partner does exercise while other pax runs to the lines.
    • 4 rounds: Block Swings, Thrusters, Curl, Skull Crusher
  • Run Down to entrance to walkway to the fountain for 6's (Mayfield Tribute)
    • 6 rounds of 6 exercises. 6 reps per exercise. Stacked. with trip around the fountain in between.
    • Burpees, Jump Squats, Shoulder Touch Mericans, Jump Lunges, WWII, 
  • Sprint back to blocks
  • Tabata. 10 minutes of different exercises. 40 seconds on with a 10 second rest in between. 
  • Blocks back and mosey to the cars for abbreviated Mary.


  • LBC X 30
  • Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side.

Recover, Recover


  • Operation Sweet tooth run on the 17th. (with rehersal next week according to Ramrod)
  • Mighty Jungle T-Shirts still available. Check one of my Tweets for link or just go to the site and look at the pre-order section. Closes on the 5th.
  • Rocket did not critic the workout today which either means it was to his standards or he was just being nice.
  • Proud of Nephew Ricky Rose who was begging not to go at 6:30 but overcame.
  • Soprano always is out front and a stud.
  • No Parker Peters for the Hernea Twins
  • Ricky owes us a styrofoam block
  • Pray for Srapasaurus with his blown out wheel.

Thank you for the chance to lead.