He wouldn’t, would he?

Event Date

Sep 03, 2022


Five of Denver’s most awesome beasts showed they weren’t afraid of IPC 2022 (ok, most didn’t know it was coming but Sonar isn't one to let traditions die and, like it or not, IPC is now tradition) 




Intro to Iron PAX Challenge week 0


Mosey to grab a block while the Q tried to explain how this would go. 


Little bit of WARMORAMA 

  • 10 IC cotton pickers 
  • 10 IC windmills
  • 10 IC imperial storm troopers



For time (not really)


 Five rounds of 

  • 20 block thrusters
  • 20 ‘mericans


Three rounds of

  • 100 ft bear crawl
  • Return via 3 burpees/5 broad jumps until you get back


Five more rounds of 

  • 20 block thrusters
  • 20 ‘mericans 



Iron Sharpens Iron




  • FNG-1 is Bronco
  • For anyone that wants to post their time, go to https://f3greenwood.wordpress.com/ironpax/ironpax-challenge-2021-registration-form/ if you need to register.  And it looks like everyone needs to register this year even if you’ve submitted in the past.
  • This was one of those workouts that didn’t sound as bad on paper as it felt.  It turned into a suck-fest a lot faster than we thought it would.
  • Individual 10-counts (err…30-counts…ok…minute counts) were plentiful.
  • Solid efforts all-around 
  • T claps to Zippy for pushing through after a rough start 
  • Praises for Zippy’s scan results this week!
  • Coffeeteria felt a little different with the new vibe at Cabbella’s but the coffee is still good and the 2nd F remains solid. 
  • Sound off in the comments if I missed anything. 
  • As always, it is an honor to “lead” and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3