Triangle Up

Event Date

Sep 07, 2022

The good book says – "A cord of three strands in not easily broken"

And broken we were not.

As Deep Dish and YHC climbed out of our Clown Car built for two – we were met by Rodeo.  What happened next was epic – and there are only two people that can refute this retelling.

As we began to Warm Up – we noticed that the left rear tire of Rodeo's car was slightly flat.  While I did Burpees to keep time, Deep Dish hoisted the rear end up, and Rodeo installed the spare.  Deep Dish lowered the car.

It was then that we noticed that the spare was actually a bit more flat than the origial tire.  Flip Flop Repeato – Rodeo Burpees, Holiday Jack Man, Deep Dish Tire Changer. Recover

At this point we were aproached by the manager of Chipotle who was in need of some help as the regular morning prep crew had called off.  We whipped up a week's worth of quacamole, carried in 20 50lb bags of rice and slaughtered a cow so others could enjoy steak burritos.

Now it was time to mosey to the theater.  But first on the way – we stopped by the nearly finished commons area of Birkdale Village.  We tackled a few odds and ends – but our most sgnificant contirbution was to finish up the green space.  After we were dpne – both dogs and toddlers alike can roll around unencumbered on urine soaked astro-turf.  Residents of LKN – you're welcome.  

Your Q had arranged with one of the new clothing boutiques to open early this morning.  Picture Deep Dish as Julia Roberts in Pretty Women – dude went on a shopping spree.  #MakeItWork  During the rest of the workout we each Farmer Carried DD's shopping bags.

Because my 2.0 works at the theater – I have keys to the place.  We went to Theater 11 and ran Ladders up the sticky, butter smelling steps.  10 at the top 1 at the bottom 9-2, 8-3, 7-4, 6-5, 5-6, 4-7, 3-8, 2-9, 1-10  Round 1: Squats at the Top, Gummy Bears at the bottom.  Repeato Round 2: CDD at the Top and Raisinettes at the bottom.  

Mosey via Native American run to the Rock Pile.  At the urging of Black Beard – we threw every rock, large or small, into the pond.  We raised the water level about 3/4 of an inch – and have left a rock shaped hole in the heart of many a PAX.

Time to head for home.  A quick stop by Victoria's Secret to do some Monkey Humpers.  Rodeo's extra high cut running shorts means that unlike Victoria – Rodeo has no Secrets – we got an eyeful.  

Arrive at the launch pad with just about 3 minutes for MARY.  In what can only be described as the Jazz Hands Missing Man Formation – we triangled up, got into some deep, deep pigeons and let loose the sounds of sweet release.



– Most of the above never happened.  We did travel to and fro via Native American Runs, we ran by most of the areas described above.  We took some time beside the theater to complete one round of Iron Pax Week 1 – that's 100 points for each of us if you are counting at home.  We also spent some quality on the hill that leads down to the greenway.  What goes down, must come back up – several times.  

– It's cool to post with 50+ people like at The Force's Coming Out Party last week, but it can be just as fun to post with 2 other PAX.  Gather up, put your head down and get to work.  

– Bless this community of men – may we continue to support each other in times of great joy – and lift each other up during struggles that test us.

