Wandering Wilderness

Event Date

Sep 08, 2022

It was a beautiful morning with low humity and the temps around 66 degrees. I love this time of year as we start shifting to fall. Mulligan showed up on time with Toxic not far behind. Jorel made it at the normal start time of 5:34am. Lets go!


  • 30 SSH
  • 10 Slow Deep Squats
  • 15 Windmills
  • Arm Circles
  • 15 IST


Mose over to the playground and partner up

  •             P1 – Step ups x15 per leg
  •             P2 – Pulls amrap
  •             Switch-a-roo
  •             P1 – Dips x 20
  •             P2 – incline merkins x20
  •             Switch-a-roo

Mose to Queens corner, god save the queen!

  •             Mohammed Ali x20
  •             Freddy Mercury x20
  •             Bull dog merkins x20

Side step down Park Grove switching half way

  •             Slow deep squat x20
  •             Power to People x20
  •             Shoulder touch merkins x20

Lunge down Mayberry Pl.

  •             Burpees x10
  •             Moan & groan
  •             Burpees x10

Sprint up Parkcrest st. 

  •             CMC x20
  • Police pull up and there was Skynet!(Ponch)! 
  •             Stretchy Stretch time with Ponch in full unitform!
  •             Various stretchs with runner pose, and others; Lots of conversation and loosing control…. Oh well.

Run back to COT for Mary


  • Passed around Mary a few times to the Pax choice


  • Great to see Ponch coming off his night shift to join in the workout. RESPECT!
  • Prays and thoughts around Mulligan around his travels to Finland next week
  • Prays for Toxic to remove the evil toxins from his body
  • As always, impressive work Gentlemen. I am honored to be a part of F3 and thanks to Amen for allowing me to lead