A Rat with no Crocs

Event Date

Sep 10, 2022

4 men showed this morning for a 10K tour of the scenic west side even though 5 were expected. Crocs was nowhere to be seen at 0500. He sent message early morning via an online message board that the rains were coming – we all laughed at him and failed to heed his warnings, like in Braveheart when he went to go pick up Murron and her parents were all like you can't go out in this rain and Braveheart was all like, what rain this is fine Scottish weather we're having the rain is falling straight down and kind of to the side, but then like two scenes later poor Murron got murdered by the rain all because she didn't heed her parent's warnings! Alas, the torrential downpour this morning caused the river Catawba to crest unexpectedly and we were caught in the resulting flood – BEP was swept away last seen being washed down Beatties Ford, his headlamp bobbing in and out of the raging flood waters. Turnpike took a wrong turn somewhere down Neck Rd. and got lost and hasn't been heard from since – he has likely been taken away by the floods too. Why didn't we listen to Crocs! WHY!!! I can still hear the pounding rainfall when I close my eyes at night. 

Jorel and YHC managed to cling to a branch and pull ourselves to safety and finish our 10K in a still reasonable time. But we were soaked to the bone. Because of all the rain. The end.