Broke Back Blackbeard

Event Date

Sep 10, 2022

Shortly after discussing whether skipping the workout for cofeeteria was an option for 4 pax, we made our way to the back of the school for a warmup.

  • Quadrophelia up driveway, 30 SSH, run to bottom, 3 Burpees
  • Repeato with 20 SSH and 2 Burpees
  • Repeato with 10 SSH and 1 Burpee

Next we ran back up the hill to the circle around the Mary statue where we bear crawled to the covered area for 10 WWII followed by a luncge walk back to the bottom. Repeato.

I was going to run up to the traffic light next, but wound up running towards the school drop off area which was a good thing since we found Soprano looking for us in all the dry areas.

At the wall we did a few exercises:

  • People’s Chair with Wonder Bra x10 IC
  • Praying Mantis x10 IC
  • Muhammad Ali x25 IC
  • Patty Cakes x10 IC
  • People’s Chair with Touch Dem Heels x10 IC
  • Side arm Press x10 IC each arm
  • Muhamad Ali X25 IC

We moseyed up to the pull up bars where we each grabbed a block

  • Curls X10 IC
  • Run to next corner, 10 Mericans
  • Run to next corner, 10 Squats
  • Run to next corner, 10 LBCs
  • Run to start, do pullups or burpees until I get back
  • Repeato with Skull Crushers

Then things got dicey.

We returned one block and pulled out the tire. 4 men would Zamperini while the front man flipped the tire 3x. Titan went first and of course, did Titan things. Like taking his sweet time and rolling the tire between flips. I told him karma would get him as I went to flip next. On the first flip, I felt the back give just a little bit. I should have stopped there, but I had to persevere. I flipped the tire a second time and — POP — out went the back. At first the guy probably thought I was kidding but it became apparent quickly that it was no joke and they all leapt to action putting the blocks and tire away. We walkd back to the cars where Soprano took over with assorted Mary exercises.

I must have been high on endorphins following the workout as I was able to get to cofeeteria before heading home. I was supposed to help the M with painting and she was set to go when I returned home, but I could already feel the first fallout of the injury. I changed clothes, laid down on the LR floor and haven’t moved from that spot until this morning (2 days later) to see Outlaw for options.

The streoids I am now taking are helping although I still can’t be on my feet or sitting down for more than a couple of minute without excruciating pain. It’s mostly lying on the floor, taking medication and watching TV. The X-Rays today lead to a diagnosis of a herniated disk and the MRI Tuesday afternoon will help decide the next course of action — injection, physical therapy or surgery. One thing is for certain — I will not be flipping tires anytime soon!


  • Soprano gets partial Q credit for covering the last 12 minutes. Thanks for the assistance
  • Outlaw gets huge T Claps for returning my call on Sunday while travelling with family
  • I also appreciate that he was was able to squeeze me in (TWSS) today for the X-Rays
  • Thanks to everyone else for the TAP since. I especially appreciate all the lame jokes to keep my spirits up. Who knew flippng a tire could do so much damage? I should have stuck with running!