0.0 miles of terribleness

Following a very restless night of sleep, YHC woke up feeling like garbo. I've gotten sick a lot this year. Oh well, carry on. But, thanks Lego for building my immune system at least. Since you're the last sick person I saw, this one's on you (never mind the fact I haven't been in contact with you in a week). If it was any other day, the fartsack would've had me for several more hours. But today I had a bunch of guys counting on me at Mighty Oak. I had to get up and give them some terribleness.

I was blessed by the presence of 14 other guys by the time 0530 rolled around. Everyone, stay away from me. No fist bumps. In fact, stay away from me for the entire workout.

The Thang

Everyone grab a parking space that is appropriately spaced out from everyone else, especially me. This will be your home. Can we do an entire workout in this parking space with nothing but your body weight AND make it hard? Of course!

10X burpees then 5X box shuffle around your parking space (run forward, shuffle right, back peddle, shuffle left…like your high school basketball drill)
You get 90 seconds to do this OYO; any extra time is your rest time. This EMOM-esque idea will be recurrent throughout the workout.

10X burpees then 5X box shuffle…except 80 seconds
10X burpees then 5X box shuffle…except 70 seconds
10X burpees then 5X box shuffle…just get this one done

Very short rest

10X bonnie blairs (each leg) then 10X high knees (each leg)…do it in 90 seconds
10X bonnie blairs then 10X high knees…except 80 seconds
10X bonnie blairs then 10X high knees…except 70 seconds
10X bonnie blairs then 10X high knees…just get this one done

Very short rest

20X hand release merkins then 10X jump squat…do it in 100 seconds
20X hand release merkins then 10X jump squat…except 90 seconds
20X hand release merkins then 10X jump squat…except 80 seconds
20X hand release merkins then 10X jump squat…just get this one done

Very short rest

60 second high plank then 20X low flutter in cadence…30 seconds rest
60 second high plank then 20X low flutter in cadence…20 seconds rest
60 second high plank then 20X low flutter in cadence…10 seconds rest
60 second high plank then 20X low flutter in cadence

I'm gassed. Gagged a few times. YHC led a very rare mobility moment as a result…sorry guys.

Repeato burpees and box shuffle except 3 sets instead of 4
Repeato bonnie blairs and high knees except 3 sets instead of 4
Repeato hand release merkins and jump squat except 3 sets instead of 4
Not enough time to repeato the plank and low flutter…damn that mobility moment

Totals: 70X burpees, 35X box shuffles, 70X bonnie blairs, 70X high knees, 140X hand release merkins, 70X jump squats, 4 minutes plank, 80X low flutter in cadence, and very little rest.

In general, the rest between sets started at 30 seconds, then dropped to 20, then finally to 10. This proved sufficiently difficult.


  • Thanks to everyone who showed up for this unconventional workout. You all got a lot done in your small space in just 45 minutes. It was as much a mental challenge as it was physical.
  • I'm pumped to continue to see so many new faces. I'm usually much more welcoming, but didn't want to be in your face too much. Great to workout with you THE Colonel, Detox, and Fudd. You all crushed it. See you soon!
  • Dingo and Big Montana, I'm grateful you posted even though you have other commitments in the morning and the farsack must be tempting.
  • Swampfox and Cherrybomb, I continue to be green with jealous rage at your fitness level. Hope this wasn't too easy for you.
  • Sac, seems like it's been forever. Glad to see you. You crushed the standard and the workout today.
  • Roadie is part of the MO faithful. Thanks for rolling with the unconventional MO workout today.
  • AMPM, your progress over the past year is insane. Keep it up brother.
  • Enron, thanks for the suggestion on 20X hand release merkins. I and the others thank you for the push.
  • Bijioux, I just hope I'm being as good a role model as you are. Your son Sonic is freaking awesome.
  • The two nicest Goatbusters were there. That's right, I'm looking at you Turncoat and Hoodie. Tell the others that being nice is a good thing.
  • Estwing, I appreciate your leadership as MQ of MO and thanks for giving me the keys today!
  • For my part, I came home, took a shower, and went back to sleep til 0900!