VQ at Night Ranger!


Started out in the dungeon of DPK parking garage. Many were in high spirits, despite my foreshadowing of serious block work in the pre-blast. 


Side straddle hop – 30 (Swanson was already complaining having gone over 20)

Burpees – 5 OYO (usual half cheers, half groans)
Toy soldier – 10

Carrot puller – 10

Slow windmill – 10

Burpees – 5 OYO


Grabbed blocks and formed a line. Completed each exercise with blocks in 3 consecutive sets of 15, 10, and 5 in cadence. And then moved up to the next level of the parking garage, carrying the blocks as we went. 


Squats – 15, 10, 5

Stationary lunges – 15, 10, 5

Crunches – 15, 10, 5

Kettle bell swings – 15, 10, 5

Chest press – 15, 10, 5

Lawn mower right – 15, 10, 5 

                        Left – 15,10, 5

Shoulder press – 15, 10, 5

5 burpees OYO


Mobility moment brought to you by Mr. Holland with a cool breeze and mostly clear skies at the top of the parking garage. Some wanted to linger a while at the top, with the cool breeze but – No – back down we went, stopping at most of the levels. 


Curls – 15, 10, 5

Skull crushers – 15, 10, 5

Bent over row – 15, 10, 5

Hump That Block (glute bridge)- 15, 10, 5


Blocks back 


Recover, recover. 

Our counting was messy but who knew, 12 – 13 men can count to 12 – 13. We had the privilege of naming a 2nd time attendee! F3, meet Bronco! I want to think I saved him from a lifetime of embarrassment for I, being Q, apparently had the final say in the name. The options were Slow Chase and Bronco. Camelback gave a very compelling and detailed account of how he had reached the name Bronco. It worked for me. 

It was a great Night Ranger and hopefully you all will have me back!