Five PAX 5 Bucks

Event Date

Sep 15, 2022

Amen gave me the keys to Wilderness this moring and this is what happened…

Run out of the clubhouse entrance down the road a ways, turn around and come back.
SSH x20
IST x10
Carrot Puller x10
Windmill x10
Toy Soldier x10
Girl Fight x12

The Thang
Mosey to the basketball court.
5 merkins in the first corner, bear crawl to the next corner for 10 merkins, bear crawl to the next corner for 15 merkins, bear crawl to the last corner 20 merkins, bear crawl back to starting corner.

Repeato with Squat Jumps (modify bear crawls to walking lunges if necessary. Flo was a beast and kept crawling.
and Top Gun increased his net worth when he stumbled upon a Fiver

Repeato with WWII Sit ups

Mosey out of the parking lot down the road and up the road to the rock pile. Grab a rock. 15 Reps each

  • Curls
  • Bent Over Rows
  • Overhead Press
  • Rock Squat
  • Skull Crushers
  • Run around the Traffic Circle and back

Repeato / Rocks Back

Run back to start, stop at Queens Corner for 15 Freddie Mercurys


  • LBC x15
  • Mason Twist x15

Recover Recover


Prayers for recovery for Toxic and Blackbeard and all the men of F3 facing challenges.

Amen, thanks for letting me lead this great goup!

See you in the gloom,
Bob Ross