Monthly 5 Miler

FNG – 1 = Corbin for first 15 minutes 

  • Billy Madison Workout — 1 exercise 12 reps, mosey to new location, that gets you passed one grade. Repeat first exercise add new excessive x 12 reps, mosey, repeat until 12th grade you are doing 13 different exercises for 12 reps each
    • K – SSH
    • 1st – Mountain Climbers
    • 2nd – Merkins
    • 3rd – Squats
    • 4th – LBCs
    • 5th – Dry Docks
    • 6th – Flutter Kicks
    • 7th – Lunges
    • 8th – diamond merkins
    • 9th – IC Bear Crawl ( ran real low on time here so no mosey and combined all of high school into one last super set)
    • 10th – Gas Pumps
    • 11th – Burpees
    • 12th – Prom nights