Denver IPC 2022 Week 3

Event Date

Sep 24, 2022

FNG-1 is Bronco, though he is far from an FNG.

Week 3 IPC is now in the past. And of course it included burpees. And hidden block burpees known as manmakers. Which makes YHC think of Babymaker IPA (which I can't drink and neither does SchoolBus but that didn't stop him).

Anyway, these 5 studs listed here knew today was going to suck, as IPC always does, but at least this time we had a live band playing for us, our own cheer leaders, and MUCH cooler weather.

We head to the lower field and are greeted by the ELHS marching band, grab our blocks and head back up to the parking lot. The track was locked because ELHS is apparently scared someone might steal the track, so we had to eyeball the 400m on a NOT flat course. It turned out to be just about right, but did have to add some extra meters at the end to make it to 400m.

Rewind to exactly 1 month ago and YHC was on a work trip in Seattle Washington. I had found the Space Needle AO was within reasonable distance from my hotel, so I found the MQ on twitter to verify they were meeting the next morning. It was a running AO which was perfect for my BRR training. The MQ informed me that the Space Needle AO was actually not going to be meeting there that morning, but rather holding a candlelight vigil a bit further away at a convergence for a PAX that had a death in the family. That PAX was Burns (Not to be confused with LKN Mr. Burns) who had just lost his M after a 571 day battle with pancreatic cancer. This same disease took Denver's own Sputnik (Paul) several years ago. Today's IPC is in Burn's M's honor, Kathleen Walzer. A 571 day battle fought with love, grace, and trust in faith.

The 571

5 Rounds for time

20 Presses (Chest to overhead)
20 Burpees (no block)
20 Curls (Full extension)
20 V-ups (no block)
20 Goblet Squats
13 Man-Makers (“burpee” w/ block)
400m run

AFTER the 5th round 1 more 400m run

Total reps, 571

Matthew 7:13-14 (this is one verse after Matthew 7:12, the Golden Rule)

"Enter through the narrow gate. for wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it, But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to life, and there are few who find it