Tickle Fight vs FKT

Event Date

Sep 27, 2022


Today’s my favorite day of the week! It’s FKT day! So I put out a pre-blast about the potential to get 5 miles in during the work out. I thought that would get all the skinny runners in the goatbuster crew out to play.


Little did I know that the goatbusters woke up early to chat, hold hands, drink coffee and power walk. Well all but Don Ho and Auto.


So I showed up at five for a standard with some core.  Auto arrived for a 1 mile warm up, I guess you can call it a standard, hey it’s more than everyone else.


We then got ready for the work out. I was surrounded by close to 15 people. At that point multiple goatbusters said they were there for a tickle fight and decided not to get after it. They said something about resting up for Aspen. It’s my belief that women flock like the salmon of Capistrano only after men do work hard on Tuesdays.


The thang:  I split everyone into 2 men teams. The workout was a Triple Crown race. The three locations were the bridge to Lake Norman Island upon arrival the team must do 100 Merkins, the new stage at Birkdale upon arrival the team had to do 50 box jumps on the stage, and Knox Hill the team upon arrival had to do 50 Burpee’s.


Supposedly Popcorn was the only one that could manage the height of the stage. That’s explosiveness homes.


Don Ho was not so happy that Heely and Swingstate were placed on the same team. Maybe the deck was stacked against him. Or maybe popcorn and auto are physical specimens and I thought they would completely dominate everyone per-usual. Needless to say off we went. I believe a headlamp would’ve helped many people. Auto and I ended up with bloody legs from shrapnel on the run. My assumption is most people would not have bled, but we are so soft that anything would cut us. I have since dermabonded my wound at a surgery center.


Everyone was cruising today. At one point SlingShot and I were running at a 715 clip. 

I don’t think my body supposed to run that fast, because I was forced to stop and find the closest bathroom for a tug’s standard. Almost didn’t make it. But SlingShot finished the race for us.


The winners, as expected, were Heely and Swingstate. But I think the two real winners were Auto and Don Ho. They didn’t let the temptation of the warm cuddly feeling of playing a tickle fight with the rest of the Goatbusters get to them. They still got after it and won in the morning.  


Notably absent where most every BoatGuster.  I guess softness is a lifestyle. today was a lot of fun. Life is so much better when you push yourself. I hope that FKT continues to have challenging workouts that make us physically and mentally tougher. I just hope becoming mentally tougher does not involve stressing to find a toilet like I did today.



