We Own the Gloom

11 Pax rejected the Status Quo and came to MMM knowing it would basically be a stationary beatdown.  



Pain Station #1

Lap 1 – 20 merkins 1/2 way, 20 KB swings 

Lap 2 – 20 diamond merkins, 20 Around the worlds 10 each side

Lap 3 – 20 wide merkins, 20 shoulder press 

Lap 4 – 20 WW2, 20 skull crusher 

Lap 5 – 20 squats, 20 full curl 


Playground Pain Station # 2 

Partner Up 

Dead-hang pull ups, unassisted 

Repeato – with 10 assisted pull-ups each man 


PainStation #3

9-1 Ladder Curls – bear crawl/lunge walk- 1 burpee


Pain Station #4

Lawnmowers each Arm

One Arm press

Goblet Squats 

Mason Twist

Figure 8s through the legs

Mary – Pax choice 


1.  Outlaw remained committed to the no burpee rule.  And got some EC running before hand.  Looking slim and trim for Tuna. 

2.  Omega noticed my baby bell was artfully disgusied.  15 lb KB per doctor's orders.  It'a a big plastic mega bell with sand.  Looks 50, but only 15.  Good BS detector Omega – I hereby deputize you as judge for the day.  

3.  Kosar crushed the ladder and was sweating more than the Pax combined.


4.  Lots of modifications today by the Pax.  YHC was warbaby at 44.  Hard to teach Old dogs new tricks? We definitely need help with pull-ups.  F3 is pretty "push heavy" and "core heavy."  I am also guilty of skipping pull-ups.  This will help your overall back (IMO) and posture.  Plus, you'll look ripped.  

5.  Stromboli and Oyster – double respect.  60. Boom and boom.

6.  Cobra Kai thanks for the opportunity to lead.  I am still a bit "hamstrung," but thank you men for following me into the darkness. 

7.  Looking around the COT and seeing men like Outlaw, Cal, Omaha, Strom in their 50's and 60's now crushing it and doing F3 for so many years was not only encouraging, but I was reflecting that these men have been doninating it for so many years.  There's something about getting up before the sun is up and pushing your body to exhaustion.  We get up early.  We start the day off good, knowing that whatever we do will likely not be as hard as the beatdown we just endured.   

And for that reason men,


We Own the Gloom, 
