22-15-10 like 21-15-9 Crossfit Classics

Event Date

Oct 15, 2022


Goodness, gracious, what a beautiful morning! Three of convened and it was my first time back as Q when Shirley and Cheetah were present. It was March 5th the last time we worked out together and it was great to be with them – despite missing Tonka. 

Crossfit uses a 21-15-9 rep scheme for many work-outs (Fran being the original). So we modified a bit and went 22-15-10 in the following manner:

Warm Ups


15 IC Windmills

10 IS Merkins

22 IC Mountain Climbers

15 IC Toy Soldiers

10 IC Air Squats

Some arm rotations to the sound of rice crispies.

Parking lot fun – Butt kickers, high knees, karoke both sides, and a bear crawl/crawl bear.

Mosey to th eback and get a block. Position it near the pull up rack.

Round 1 – Modified Fran – 22 Pull ups/22 Block Thurusters, 15 Pull ups/15 Block Thrusters, 10 Pull ups/10 Block Thrusters

Round 2 – Just for Fun – same scheme but Block Front Squats/Merkins

Round 3 – Same scheme but Block Curls/Block Scull Crushers

Mosey up LBH, knock out 47 WWIs _22+15+10, Shirley's idea)

Round 4 – Same Scheme but this one really sucked….Burpees/Toes to Bar

Blocks away and mosey to the AO.

10 IC Freddie Mercury

10 IC Flutter kicks

That's a wrap!


The 21-15-9 rep scheme is all about maintaining INTENSITY despite losing CAPACITY. It made me think of the parable of the talents where one guy is given 10 and turns it to 20. The other gets 5 and turns it to 10. And the third guy gets 2 and burys them only to be told he was a "slothful servant". The capacity didn't matter to Christ – 5, 10, 20, whatever. What mattered was your INTENSITY. Did we give it our all? Did we fully commit? Exercise like this is a great way to create an experiential metaphor fr what is really important. The thing we need to be instensely engaged in most of all is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's all that really matters in the end. 


Chetetah was particularly happy with all the front delt work……..really he was.

Shirley was still sprinting away at the end. Must be nice not to be old!

Always a joy to be with y'all.
