October 2022 THE Horseshoe

16 Warrior emerged from the gloom to tackle the first cold snap of the year as well as THE Horseshoe.


Mosey to the thoroughfare

Calf stretches each side

SSH X 10

Toy Soldiers X 10

Long Snappers X 10

IST X 10

Mosey to the base of the hill, 5 rocks acquired en route, first 5 back to the bottom of the hill ech lap do 20 rock curls

20 reps of each of the following pyramid style workout for 100 reps total of each of the following:

Carolina Dry Docks


Little Baby Crunches



Mosey to the fire station and await the six

LBCs X 20

Homer to Marge X 5 sets

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back to the launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) 2.62 miles per Garmin – a little on the low side compared to most iterations – lots of variability in these Garmin watches.  I'm just sayin'.

2) Cousin Eddie with a solo standard prior to THE Horseshoe – that is strong!

3) Only 2 Horseshoes remain this year – be on the lookout for a request for your shirt size if you are in the zone to complete all 12 this year. 

4) No charge as always, but please make a donation to Operation Sweet Tooth. 

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

