Something came up””

11 men got stronger this morning on cold temp. 2 for standard ( Amen and YHC ) No sign of Blackbeard, Toxic and PeartPlus. Like PeartPlus said last night, "Something came up"

We started with disclaimer then move to warm up

Warm Up: Drop the bell on the side walk move to grassy area for some warm up ( Pax was little confused )



Imperial Storm Trooper

Carrot Puller, Wait. Ponch aka Skynet driving by and blue lights is on. YHC immediately instructed the pax to do Monkey Humpers. My job here is done. Not really. Stay safe Ponch and Thank you for your service.

Grab the bell and we crossed the street. Watch out Ponch. Jail walking. Siren!!!

Get down to the business


10 Burpeess, bear crawl 15 yards, 10 KB Full Curls, bear crawl

8   Burpeess, bear crawl 15 yards, 20 KB Full Curls, bear crawl

6   Burpeess, bear crawl 15 yards, 30 KB Full Curls, bear crawl

4   Burpeess, bear crawl 15 yards, 40 KB Full Curls, bear crawl

2   Burpeess, bear crawl 15 yards, 50 KB Full Curls, bear crawl

We moved behind the building


10 Kettlebell Swing, Run 50 yards, Do 2 Jump Squats, run back

8   Kettlebell Swing, Run 50 yards, Do 4 Jump Squats, run back

6   Kettlebell Swing, Run 50 yards, Do 6 Jump Squats, run back

4   Kettlebell Swing, Run 50 yards, Do 8 Jump Squats, run back

2   Kettlebell Swing, Run 50 yards, Do 10 Jump Squats, run back

Drop the bells then we moved to the white wall

Peoples Chair, 10 IC Seal Clap ( We had Three pax side to side doing seal clap ) Sorry, no names. It's a secret. Then we did Wonder Bra in honor of Blackbeard.

Back to the bells


30 KB Chest Press, Run 50 yards, Do 10 Carolina Dry Dock, run back

20 KB Chest Press, Run 50 yards, Do 20 Carolina Dry Dock, run back

10 KB Chest Press, Run 50 yards, Do 30 Carolina Dry Dock, run back

Drop the bells

Moved to Brick Wall

10 IC Decline Mountain Climber

10 IC Wall Touch Merkins

Pick up the bells and head back to AO


Low Flutter with KB – Titan

Rosalita with KB – Titan

Susan Somers. She turned 76 per The Force. Do you follow on her on tweeter?

WWII Sit Up – Frogger

LBC – The Colonel

Crunchy Frog – Omaha

Mobility Moment – Ultraman

Recover, Recover.



Thanks to all who came out. I'm honored to lead my brothers this morning.

Amen took us out on a prayer. Prayers to The Force's Mom, Happy Gilmore's sister, Omaha's nephew, Ultarman's Mom.

Awesome group and fun workout (wink.) this morning. Great coffeeteria at Lowe's. Thanks Omaha for the coffee.

Next Tuesday 10/28, Come out and support VQ The Colonel at The Wildeness.

I did not catch one of pax name. I think he said tea Cup or Peacock? Let me know and I will update the pax list to receive the credit.

Titan out!