Turkey Bowl Prep

Event Date

Oct 22, 2022


3 pax emerged for some Turkey Bowl prep. 


10 x Grandma maters

15 x Plank jacks

10 x Merican toe touches

15 x mountain climbers

10 x speed skaters

The Thang

Indian run to clubhouse with mini football passing drills.  If you drop it 2 burpees for all pax. It was pretty dark on he way there and we made a hypothesis it would be better coming home.  Stop at top of big hill and Buena Vista for 10 x squats/10 x Carolina dry docks/ 10 x WWIs

At clubhouse:

Bear crawl up parking lot and crawl bear back

Crab walk up parking lot and walk crab back

Suicides on other parking lot

Mosey around lake path stopping at 3 benches: 30 x dips, 15x incline mericans, 10 x decline mericans

Repeato 2 more times.

Indian run with football drill back to AO.  Much better receiving skillz with sunrise. 

Back at AO 2 rounds of quadrafelia with mary at top of LBH: Knee up and hello dolly.

Reflection: Exodus 11-13

Talked last time about Moses resisting his mission to be God’s spokesperson to pharaoh.  Going over the 10 plagues its hard to imagine pharaohs stubbornness and hardening of his own heart with repeated sin and arrogance.  Our Bible study this week talked about how we can sometimes be like pharaoh turning from God and repeating our sins with no true plan to get better or seek forgiveness, even rationalizing what we do as ok in the moment but it also separates us from God.


-Cheetah takes the prize as our best receiver!

-Strudel shared some good UFO stories and the human need for sunlight!  Always the Cliff Clavin of SVU!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
