10-26-22 – Meat Locker – What’s your favorite dad joke?

Event Date

Oct 26, 2022

I woke up to the sound of rain but that didn’t stop 3 other PAX from showing up at The Meat Locker for some work and fellowship. A light mist greeted us at the AO.  Mater, Crabby Patty and I warmed up with a mosey to the bottom of the parking lot for an extended suicide routine.  The idea is to start in one corner, mosey along the first row of parking spots to the light and do 5 squats and mosey back to the start for 5 burpees.   I wanted to add LBC’s but since the parking lot was wet, I opted to stay dry.  After the burpees, mosey to the end of the row for 10 squats, then mosey back to the start for 5 burpees.  At the end of the rows and at each light, add 5 squats. After the first set of Burpees, Dr. Doolittle came rolling up.  He got in 2-3 miles of EC before the workout.  Nice job Dr. Doolittle!  We goth through the fourth station before the rain chased us under the shelter on the hill.

OK, time to Omaha since I didn’t expect rain.  Q fail, always have a backup plan. 

Lazy Dora – Partner up, PAX 1 holds plank while PAX 2 does 10 merkins.  Alternate doing merkins between the PAX every 10 reps up to 100 total reps.  The next round was Squats and holding the Al Gore position.  Alternate between the PAX every 20 reps for a total of 200 reps.  LBC’s and hold legs in the LBC position.  Alternate between the PAX every 30 reps for a total of 300 reps.  Usually I stop here, but we did some extra work by doing air presses while the other PAX held a “praise position” with hands held high.  Alternate every 40 reps for a total of 400 reps.

5 step ups each leg, then 5 hello Dollies and 5 Rosalita’s.  Rinse and repeat x 10 and x15.

Wall sit at the end of the shelter.  Here I asked each PAX for their favorite Dad joke.   Alternated between wall sits, merkins and dad jokes.  Here are the jokes………. I guess you had to be there for them to be funny.

Mater – What do you get when you cross a ghost with bees?  Boo-Bees

Crabby Patty – A guy goes to his doctor and says “Sometimes I feel like a wigwam and sometimes I feel like a teepee”.  The doctor says to him “You need to relax more, you’re too tense”.

Dr Doolittle – What do you get when you cross a cocker spaniel, A rooster and a poodle?  A cocka-doodle-poodle.

Dirt – Why did the chicken cross the road?  To prove to the opossum, it could be done.

The rain stopped, so mosey back to the parking lot.  Here we did my favorite Thanksgiving day exercise after eating too much of Grandma’s squirrel gravy……. The mountain man pooper.  Bend down and touch your toes, move to a low squat with arms out front, back to the toe touch position and stand back up.  IC x 10

Bear crawl to the first light pole.  Mosey back to the start of the suicide run to pick up Dr Doolitle’s HI-Viz vest, then back to the start.


Thanks for showing up gentlemen.  It was a pleasure to lead you today!