One last haircut

Event Date

Nov 03, 2022


3 men met in the Gloom



The Thang

  • Maggie and Monroe – 2 sets – 1st at clubhouse, then mosey to top of Overlook Cove Road, then 2nd set and mosey back


  • Vdub's dad in hospice, coming to end of life, wanted one last haircut. calls barber who says he can't come out.  "I've got 2 Ben Franklin's here saying you will."  Ben tends to get his way
  • spotted – another celestial event – meteor streaked overhead with smoke trail, during 2nd set.  That makes 2 Thursdays in a row
  • come next Thursday for another assured celestial event
  • What's that you say?  I've got swollen lug nuts?!   It's a real thing.  When friction causes heat, and 2 substances are combined in that heat, swelling apparently occurs.  The can apparently lead to a blowout, or at least a tire coming off your car.


  • prayers for Vdub's dad, Surf's MIL and FIL and my MIL who is recovering from her cancer.  
  • Prayed the Our Father
  • lots of medical discussion this morning.  After I mentioned benefit being able to avoid some doctor visits for our kids, Vdub relates his story of being worried his preteen daughter- "I thought she had breast cancer. So the doctor says, 'just budding, Todd'"  
  • Natty – Fire tonight?