Dirt, Beards, and Pain

Event Date

Nov 09, 2022

4 Pax were represented at #Hollywood this morning. Here’s the festivities that took place:


Warmarama at Checkpoint 1 (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x25 (50)

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-Imperial Storm Trooper x20 (40)

-Slippery Dip Can/Dwight Schrute x15

Mosey to checkpoint 2 at business park and get rocks (IC):

-Curls-x20 (40)

-Skull crusher x20 (40)

-Bent over row x20 (40)

-Overhead press x20 (40)

-Front block lift/raise x20 (40)

On your 6 (IC):

-Chest press x20 (40)

-Dips x15 (30)

-Inclined ‘Mericans x15 (30)

-Merkinators (5 regular; 5 diamond; 5 wide) OYO

Recover/Rocks up

Mosey to checkpoint 3 at Movies (IC):

-Mohammad Ali/Rocky Balboa x20 (40)


-Christian McCalf Raises x23 (46)

-Praying Mantis x15 (30)

Checkpoint 4 in front of movie marquee:

-100 LBC’s OYO

-Run a lap

-WW II’s x20 OYO

-Run a lap

-Mobility moment

Mosey back to Checkpoint 1/base and on your 6 for a round of Mary (IC):

-reverse crunch x15 (30)

-lbc with leg extensions x15 (30)

-pretzel crunch (both sides) x10 (40)

-Recover, Recover



-Coffeteria/Toby Talks at Birkdale Starbucks


2.34 miles provided for legs, plenty of arm reps, and of course lots of core pain (YHC has a reputation to live up to).

Deep Dish, Soprano, and Hat Trick are 3 of the finest Pax around. It was great hanging out with the three of you in the gloom.

Deep Dish preferred using Tommy Gunn’s vs Mohammad Ali/Rocky Balboa (that’s a whole other in-depth discussion). I wonder who he thinks the greatest Chicago Cub or Bears player is? Another “deep”conversation starter…

Soprano’s wife enjoys his facial hair, so he’s all in for “No Shave November”. He also continues to set the bar high for all of us Pax when it comes to leading the field for each exercise.

Hat Trick gave YHC some mumble chatter about his rock/coupon getting his shirt dirty. He also really liked the beard that Soprano is growing. Good to have Hat Trick back after being out due to sickness.

Announcements/Prayer Requests:

12/2-Christmas Party will be at 11 Lakes (bring donation for Operation Sweet Tooth).

Unspoken  requests in all circles.

Pray for The Force and his mother’s health.

It was a great morning gents. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Tobias, Tobadia, etc..)