Viking Style Moon

Event Date

Nov 08, 2022


Not only did we get a stellar workout in, we experienced an awesome moon!

After staring at the sky, we started

warm up lap

  • ssh x10 then 5 burpees
  • ssh x10 – 4 burpees
  • ssh x10 – 3 burpees
  • TS
  • IST
  • Stretched

jogged to small wall,

20 step ups each leg
20 incline merkins
40 dips

Moved to picnic tables
– 15 step ups each leg
– 20 deep merkins between tables
– 40 dips

moved to rock pile
– 20 curls IC, switch rock 1 left, 15 curls, 1 left 15 curls
– old rock and 20 shoulder press, left, 15 more
– run to light, lung back. 
– 20 hand release merkins
– 20 chest press

run back to start
A little bit of Mary

Hope it was good enough to make you sore and earn some junk food
