MurVern Samsnado (aka Isotope’s Greatest Hits)

Event Date

Nov 14, 2022

We pulled the olllllllllle switcheroo at Sword this morning. Toby on the calendar, but Popcorn led the beatdown. I have been out of town a bit recently and missing many a Q opportunity. Conversely, I noticed Toby is Qing A LOT. The guy is everywhere. So, late on a Sunday I asked if he wanted a switch.

Following a Toby-led warmarama, we played all the hits.

  • Sharknado – 1 round
  • Vern – 1 round; substitute 30 yd bear crawl for the dips
  • Murph – we were running short on time, so we only did 2 rounds of Cindy
  • Samson Suicide – Multiples of 3 block shoulder presses with 3 blockees and Zamperinis between islands. We did this to cut down on the running since some PAX ran big miles over the weekend (looking at you Force; good job)

Recover recover


  • Follow Toby’s leadership example. Get out there and Q!
  • The Force is a runner now.
  • Enron kept it civil this morning.
  • Baller’s digits are cold.
  • Peart is choosing work over F3 on December 2nd.
  • Seriously though, great job by all this morning. So easy to stay in the warm warm fartsack this time of year, but you won the mental game this morning and crushed the workout. Thank you for the opportunity to lead!