Who Knew

There is no warm up

The Thang:

Run from the clubhouse to Grand Oak and gather by the dumpsters.  From there a slow jog to the corner of the parking lot and then turn up the speed as you circle around Grand Oak and make your way back to the dumpsters.  Repeat this as many times as possible until a few minutes after 6 and then head back to the clubhouse.  I believe Little Fingers got in the most laps and distance.  Most of us got in around 4.75 total miles. 

This started about 6 months ago when Turnpike asked me to Q Fartlek.  I hadn’t been in a while and my calendar was certainly open so I said yes. When using the word Fartlek over the years I have said it with a slight hesitation or at a lower volume, sometimes with a 3rd grades smile.  Turns out I didn’t need to as someone after the run said, and we did a Fartlek.  A quick Google search revealed: A fartlek run is defined as “continuous training with interval training.”  This was pretty close to what we did.

Great group of guys, I will be back soon.  Apparently I have to go to a running workout to see Tuffy these days.  Excited for Tuffy and Tammy Faye to conquer the Huntersville Half next month!