Variety Pack at Cobalt

Event Date

Nov 17, 2022


5 men at Cobalt this morning. 2 by car, 3 by foot. Good work to the runners. 28 degrees so we got going quick.


SSH X 15 IC, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, Merkins X 10 OYO, Runners Lunge

Main Event

Run from clubhouse to the top of Overlook Cove Road. Plank + 15 merkins.

Run down Overlook Cove Road to corner of Danielle Christina Ct. Launch here for suicides set: 10 merkins at launch point, run to first mailbox up the hill for abs of choice X 10, run to launch point for 10 merkins. Repeat but after first mailbox, run to second for 10 more abs of choice then back to launch for 10 merkins. Repeat up to 5 mailboxes. 

Run to gazebo. 

Line up at edge of parking lot outside gazebo. Bear crawl to top of lot (playground). Leg lifts X 15 IC, Low Flutter X 15 IC. Broad jump burpee back to bottom of lot. LBC’s X 15 IC, WWII X 15 IC. Move to gazebo for 15’s: derkins, step-up’s, dips. Run 2 laps around parking lot. 

Repeat above set with crab walk instead of bear crawl and some different ab exercises. Same on the rest. 

Run to clubhouse for a burn out set for last few minutes. Alternate between 15 merkins and 15 abs of choice. 3 minutes left for this and we got a lot of merkins and abs in. Solid feedback on the workout up to this point, but ratings went down a bit here.

2.5 miles running. Good mix of exercises with an emphasis on merkins and abs = Variety Pack


  • The Germanator was either a bear or a crab in a prior life. The Usain Bolt of bear crawl and crab walk. Back out after a couple weeks off for work and personal travel. Disney trip in the books. 
  • No RSVP from G-RIP as requested but he was there and crushed it for another Thursday. Could swear I overheard him telling Pax that Thursday Cobalt is his favorite F3 workout of the week. 
  • Schwinn out for another Thursday and off the IR. Good to see. Pockets a little lighter from paying 911’s bar tab last night at the Teeter. Heading to his beachfront property for Thanksgiving. 
  • Surf keeping the Pax safe. Immediate feedback to get that first set off the main road for fear of one of us getting run over. Good solid feedback bro.
  • Good work this morning fellas. Very little complaining until that burn out set at the end. Hollar summed it up with his response: feels like I’m at home with all this complaining going on.
  • Thankful for a lot and prayed for several in the Pax on the way out.