Cold Java

Event Date

Nov 17, 2022


7 Men ventured into the Gloom for a Cold Java.  

As usual, we waited to 5:31 and here comes Lonestar right on queue. 

The thang:  Run from Starbucks to the Theater for warmarama.  SSH, Longsnappers, Imperial Storm Troopers and Windmills. 

The route was a little different than normal.  

Run down Birkdale Commons (on the left side) to 73 and back for first pain station.  Merkins and LBCs.

Run down Birkdale commons (on the right side) to 73 and back for 2nd pain station.  Merkins and LBCs.

Run over to Formby and down to Walgreens and back for 3rd pain station.  Merkins and LBCs.

Run down Birkdale commons (on the right side) to 73 and back for 3rd pain station.  Merkins and LBCs. 

Run down Birkdale Commons (on the left side) to 73 and back to Starbucks.  Merkins. 


Einstein was originally on the calendar but all of a sudden had to travel……so yours truly took over.  Even though Einstein wasn’t there we still got in our 100 merkins. Also squeezed in 100 LBCs. 

It was cold enough at 33 degrees for the Birkdale crew to be scraping the ice skating rink! 

Great to see Popcorn out for his first visit to Java!  He is either tougher than the rest of us or didn’t look at the forecast as he was in shorts and a long sleeve shirt.  No gloves or hat!  

Hippie and Omega crushed it as usual leading at the front.  I was so far in back I couldn’t tell which one of them was really leading.  

Speaking of running from the 6, good to have Lonestar and Tbone keep me company there. 

If you want to know how Stromboli is doing with his bionic hip, just check out his time today on Strava…..

Good to have everyone stick around for coffee and thanks to Hippie for treating!