THE Denver F3 Friday Fun Run – Brrrrrrrrr

9 men braved 28 degree weather to start their weekend early….

 – Holy cow that was a bit chillier than normal.  By mile 2 we were toasty though.

 – Rudolph took Vortex’s place having to deal with the wrath/smell of YHC’s backdraft

 – Clickbait used to be nice to me

 – Dr. D tested out the knee and will be purchasing a foam roller

 – GECKO!  Strolls in after not running for 6 weeks and easily turns-out a 5+ miler

 – Mater still loves me and definitely loves this weather!

 – ShakeWeight continues to be a robot and does extra miles before and probably after

 – TL looked sporty in his new Sketcher garb now that he gets it all for free

 – I have spoken