Armpits make good hand warmers

Event Date

Nov 19, 2022


Three showed up to put in some work.

Warm ups

Side Staddle hop


grandma maters

arm circles

high knees


run to the top of hill and return to get block. 

All exercises were 50 secs work with 10 secs rest

Side straddle hop, skull crushers, jump rope, squat engines, Russian twist, burpees, upright plank, block curl, mountain climbers, kickstand deadlift. 
One minute break then repeat above 4 more times 

Things we learned. Armpits make great hand warmers. Wish Cheetah would have shared earlier. My hands were frozen most of the workout. Also wet frozen blocks are a lot heavier than dry blocks. Not sure how but Sturdel and Cheetah talked through most of the workout while I’m just trying to catch my breath.  LOL.


Proverbs 15:18

A wrathful man stirs up contention, but one who is slow to anger appeases strife.